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abundant [ә'bʌndәnt]


graceful [greisful]



队员们个个精神抖擞、 神采奕奕The team are all in excellent fettle.在聚会上她总是神采奕奕She always sparkles at parties.看,它玲珑剔透、彩奕奕,它的价值无与伦比。Look it is exquisite and dazzlingly brilliant and its value is incomparable.那匹马神采奕奕,比赛中定能获胜。The horse is in fine fettle and should win the race.上海龙奕机械设备有限公司。Shanghai longyi mechanism equipment co. ltd.神圣的灵感使嘉莉变得神采奕奕。Carrie was now lightened by a touch of this divine afflatus.虽然经过长途旅行,乔迪到达的时候仍然显得神采奕奕。In spite of the long trip jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.他那没光的眼睛和苍白的脸,登时就神采奕奕。His glassy eyes and his ashy face were alight in an instant.特别是妇女们,个个神采奕奕,有的还穿着长靴参加到军乐队中进行演奏……The women in particular become so vigorous that some even join the military band with long boots on.我和大师坐在亭间的石凳上对奕黑白人生。Master shi deng sitting in the booth and I black-and-white life on the games.虽然邓尼斯?提多饱受太空晕机之苦,不过回来时倒是精神奕奕。Though dennis tito suffered from space sickness he arrived back in good shape.


关闭博奕 closed game

博奕 game

博奕性聚焦 focus gambling

博奕模拟 gaming simulation

博奕理论 games theory

博奕规则 rules of the game

博奕论 theory of game; game theory

市场博奕,市场对策 market game

模拟博奕 simulation game

精神奕奕 in fine good fettle

统计博奕,统计对策 statistical game

零和二人博奕,零和二人竞赛 zero-sum two-person game

零和博奕,零和对策,零和竞赛 zero-sum game

零对策,零博奕 zero game

