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冶炼的英文翻译 冶炼英文怎幺说 冶炼的英文例句




    to smelt metal

smelt [smelt]

    n.[鱼]胡瓜鱼 vbl.smell的过去式和过去分词 vt.精炼,冶炼

metal [met(ә)l]



为什幺生铁矿不能直接用于高炉冶炼?Why can't run-of-mine iron ore be directly put into blast furnace for extraction?小型aob及中频炉冶炼势头不减;Small aob and medium frequency furnace is still in use.新的铅冶炼厂将从汽车电池中回收铅。The new lead smelting plant will recycle the lead from car batteries.许多金属冶炼操作中需要碳作为还原剂。Carbon is needed as a reducing agent in many metallurgical operation.银是冶炼锡时的副产品。Siiver is a by-product of tin smelting.中国工业。某乡镇铅冶炼厂铅污染调查分析。Investigation and analysis on lead pollution caused by a township lead smeltery.重金属冶炼烟气中二氧化硫的利用Sulfur dioxide utilization of furnace gases in extractive metallurgy of heavy metals


冶炼 smelting

冶炼厂 smelting plant; metal production plant; smeltry

冶炼强度 combustion intensity

冶炼操作 smelting operation

冶炼时间 duration of heating

冶炼炉 smelting furnace

冶炼级氧化铝 smelter grade alumina

冶炼车间 smelting shop

古特霍夫农冶炼公司 Gutehoffnungshütte Aktienverein GHH)

电气冶炼厂 electric metallurgical works

稀有金属冶炼企业管理 enterprise management of the rare metals smelting industry

轻金属冶炼生产管理 management of the production and smelting of light metals

金属冶炼工业 metallurgy industry

金银冶炼公司 bullion refiner

高真空冶炼炉 high vacuum melting furnace

