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夜班的英文翻译 夜班英文怎幺说 夜班的英文例句



[yè bān]

    night shift

night [nait]


shift [ʃift],轮班,移位,变化,办法,手段 vt.替换,转移,改变,移转,推卸,变速 vi.转换,移动,转变,推託,变速


嗯,我是小夜班的头Well... I'm the supervisor of the swing shift.护士们轮流上夜班。The nurses take it in turn to do night duty.你今天上夜班吗?Are you no night duty today?妈妈在医院值夜班。Mother is on night duty in the hospital.那星期他上夜班。He was on night shift that week.他赶去上夜班。He popped over to the night shift.他上白班或夜班。He works the day shift or night shift.他一个星期要上三天夜班。He is on night duty three days a week.我找到工作了。是夜班I got a new job. It's night work.想必她改值了夜班。Presumably she had been changed on to a later shift.夜班工人正陆续来到。The night shift are arriving.夜班十点钟上工。The night shift starts at10.这些女孩都害怕晚上单身一人值夜班。These girls all dread working alone on night duty.值夜班时,我清醒而机警Ln the watches of the night l was always fresh and bright.


值夜班 night watch

夜班 night shift; late shift; lobster shift

夜班加班费 dark money

夜班津贴 night differential; night work allowance

夜班费,夜班津贴 night-shift allowance; night duty allowance; night work allowance; night differential

大夜班 graveyard shift

无夜班 all night in

深夜班 graveyard shift

第一个夜班 first night watch

