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叶的英文翻译 叶英文怎幺说 叶的英文例句



    to be in harmony

harmony [ha:mәni]



一种奇数羽状叶的树,其从粉红色到紫色的芳香花朵成总状花序。Tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers.一种双子叶属的植物。A genus of dicotyledonous plants.一种丝兰,叶子长且硬,有花丝状悬垂物。Yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages.一种一年生植物,具有深绿色的鸟足状叶子和低垂的茶碟状绿色花。Deciduous plant with large deep green pedate leaves and nodding saucer-shaped green flowers.一种长花距的兰花,有基生叶及靠合在上萼片之下的花瓣。A long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal.


一叶秋堿 securinine

一柄四叶 in fours

一维傅里叶变换 onedimensional fourier transform

丁酸香叶酯 geranyl butyrate

七叶一支花 Paris polyphylla Sm.

七叶亭 esculetin

七叶吗啉 folescutol

七叶树 Chinese horsechestnut, Aesculus chinensis Bge.

七叶皂甙 aescine

三出複叶 ternately compound leaf

三叶 trilobate指古生代介形类壳面上三叶状装饰物。

三叶叉棘 triphyllous pedicellaria

三叶同步旋转齿轮泵 tri-lobe timed rotary gear pump

三叶图式 trefoil

三叶尼龙垫圈铰链 three leaf flag hinge

三叶幼体 trilobite larva

三叶形 trefoil

三叶形敷设 trifoil formation又称"三角形敷设"。

三叶橡胶 para rubber

三叶片推进器 n. three bladed propeller

三叶皮瓣 trilobed skin flap

三叶线 trifolium

三叶草 clover

三叶草迴旋加速器 cloverleaf cyclotron

三叶草慢波线 cloverleaf slow wave line

三叶虫 trilobite

三叶螺旋桨 n. three bladed propeller

三叶齿轮油泵 three-lobe oil pump

三角叶杨树皮纤维 cottonwood fibre

三角形扇叶 triangular sector

