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噎的英文翻译 噎英文怎幺说 噎的英文例句



    to choke (on)
    to choke up
    to suffocate

choke [tʃәuk]

    v.窒息,哽住,使呼吸困难,阻塞 n.窒息,阻气门


布丁太多噎死狗。Too much pudding will choke dog.结果她的髮夹噎住了客人That man choked on her bobby pin说到这里,他因为过度激愤,嗓子噎得一时说不出话来。Here he got choked by excessive indignation.她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎。The fish bone in her throat made her choke.她无可奈何地抽抽噎噎哭了起来。She began to sob helplessly.哽咽,噎住,阻塞因感情激动而说不出话来To be unable to speak because of strong emotion.果仁容易吸入气管而引起哽噎。Nuts are easily breathed into the windpipe and can cause choking.哭诉恼怒地或抽噎着抱怨;哀诉To complain peevishly or whimperingly; whine.那个少年抽抽噎噎地承认杀死了那个孩子。Sobbingly the teenager admitted killing the baby.他不由自主地抽噎起来。He started to sob uncontrollably.注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。Be aware that the infant will cough sputter and choke during feedings.


噎塞 choking

噎死 choke to death

