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谣言的英文翻译 谣言英文怎幺说 谣言的英文例句





rumor [ru:mә(r)]

    n.流言,谣言,传闻 vt.谣传,传闻


你相信关于海伦和她老闆有恋情的谣言?Do you believe that scuttlebutt about helen having an affair with her boss?萨利风闻关于她的谣言。Sally got wind of the rumours about her.四下流传着许多谣言。There were a lot of rumours going round.她听到的谣言并没有使她过多地烦恼。The rumours she heard did not bother her overmuch.谣传她已与一百万富翁秘密结婚。"'这谣言是谁散布的?"'It's being put about that she was secretly married to a millionaire.''who Put that lie about?'谣言根植于无知和迷信。Rumor feeds on ignorance and superstition.谣言製造厂在超时工作。The rumor mill is working overtime.有谣言说斯巴达克斯成婚了I heard rumors that spartacus was wed.这只是恶毒的谣言。It was only a vicious rumour.这只是在化粧室的谣言宝贝。Whispers in the powder room baby.真相是攻破谣言的杀手锏Truth is the silver bullet to kill the rumor?总统的敌人在散布谣言来暗中破坏他的威信。The president's enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority.


製造谣言 fabricate rumors

散布谣言 rumor; spread rumors; rumormongering

散布谣言等搅乱市面以便卖出股票等 raid the market

散播谣言 dish the dirt

毫无根据的谣言 idle rumor

用以收买官员或散布政治谣言的资金 slush fund

谣言 false news; groundless allegation; rumor; tale; unfounded report

