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摇动的英文翻译 摇动英文怎幺说 摇动的英文例句




    to shake
    to sway

shake [ʃeik]

    v.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动 n.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动

sway [swei]



树枝在风中缓缓摇动。The slow see-saw of the branch in the wind随风摇动的芦苇;没有固定意见的人A reed shaken with the wind他坐在摇椅上摇动着。He was rocking himself in a rocking chair.我会使你的腿摇动。I'll make ur legs shake.我们可根据树的摇动估计风力。We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees.握住某人的手用力上下摇动Give sb's hand a pump ie shake it energetically up and down摇动,摇摆摇摆的动作或作法The act or practice of wigwagging.摇动的门把这个人的帽子碰落了。The swinging door knocked off the mans hat.因地震的震动力而摇动。Shake with seismic vibrations as of planets.


往复摇动式运输机 chute conveyer

手动摇动泵 semi-rotary hand pump

摇动 quake; shaker; shakiness; shaking up; shakingup; shook; swag

摇动发动机 n. oscillating engine

摇动法 shaking

摇动混合机 shaking mixer

摇动的 rocking

摇动覆铜钢板 swag

摇动阶段 n. swinging stage

摇动马达 oscillating motor

无摇动台式转向架 truck with no swing bolster

朝...摇动 wag at

来回摇动 waggly

炉箅摇动器 grate shaker

自动摇动器 automatic shaker

