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[yào shuō]

    as for
    when it comes to

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术

comes ['kɔmiz]

    伴星; 伴引血管


我会从政?我要说的刚好相反Am I through with politics? I would say vice versa.我要说我该说的L had to say what l said.要说服老一点的同志把位子腾出来We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts.要说约翰个头高,没那回事。John is tall like I am the queen of sheba.永远不要说一个女人的闲话,不管她有多远,都会听到你说她。Never tell tales about a matter how far away she is she'll always hear you.又来了。又要说维多利亚十字勋章了Here it comes.the victoria cross bit again.在求职信的开头一定要说明你要求某某工作,理由是。Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such because...这段代码此时应该不需要说明。The code should be self-explanatory at this point.这就是你在情人节要说的话?And what is it that you say about valentine "s day?这里要说的是:使用标準的代码,创建可扩展的无表格布局还是不够的。Sometimes knowing how to code for standards and create flexible tableless layouts is not enough.


批准加班时间简要说明 recapitulation of overtime authoriz ations

摘要说明 recap; recapitulation

摘要说明的 recapitulative

法律必要说 doctrine of necessity of law

职务需要说 doctrine of functional necessity

销售摘要说明 sales recap

