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邀的英文翻译 邀英文怎幺说 邀的英文例句



    to invite
    to request
    to intercept

invite [in'vait]

    vt.邀请,引起 n.邀请

request [ri'kwest]

    vt.请求,要求 n.请求,要求,邀请


一封拒绝邀请措词傲慢的信A snooty letter refusing the invitation一个星期六的週末,範内瑞又热情地邀请我至她家的牧场烤肉。A saturday in weekend valerie passionately invited me to her pasture for barbecue.印地安人舞者们邀请扶轮社员和他们的家人参与围成祈祷仪式的圈圈。Native american dancers invited rotarians and family to join the powwow circle.在一所中学作完报告后,我应邀去看望一位特殊的学生。After giving a talk at a high school I was asked to pay a visit to a special student.


书面邀请 written invitation

再次邀请 renews its invitation to

发价的邀请 invitation for offer

受邀者 invitee

外界董事,外邀董事 outside director

外邀董事 outside director

应...的邀请 at the invitation of

应邀 by request; on invitation; on request; upon invitation

律师特邀工作证 lawyer''s specially invited ID card

投标邀请书 invitation to bid

未经邀请而参加 horn in on

特邀代表 specially invited representative

特邀受託人 trustee in invitum

特邀律师 attorney-at-invitation; lawyer-at-invitation; specially invited attorney; specially invited lawyer

约定以后再补邀请 rain check

要约邀请 invitation to offer; invitation to make an offer

谢绝邀请 decline an invitation

邀他合伙 take him into partnership

邀去作客 ask out

邀请 invitation; invite

邀请上楼 have up

邀请信 invitation letter; letter of invitation

邀请入伙 co-opt

邀请出去 have out

邀请到 invite to

邀请到家中 have round

邀请到家里来 have in

邀请发盘 invitation for offer

邀请国 host country; inviting country

邀请外出 ask out

