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    by mere luck

mere [miә(r)]


luck [lʌk]



这是侥倖心理,亦是纯属偶然。This is fluky psychology also be pure belong to accidental.这种侥倖的篡夺者决不是绝对的统治者;But these fortunate usurpers were not by any means absolute rulers;自从他的癌症被诊断出后,他觉得自己是在侥倖地活着。Since his cancer was diagnosed he feels as if he's living on borrowed time.最多是侥倖的上诉;得到那份工作纯粹是侥倖;变化不定的风;一个不确定的主张。A chancy appeal at best; getting that job was definitely fluky; a fluky wind; an iffy proposition.但是关于这场侥倖免撞脱险的研究鬼使神差般地集中到了研究人员们的想法上去了。But studying this near miss has concentrated the minds of researchers wonderfully.该项立法可能会侥倖通过。The legislation is likely to squeak through.两周前,他在党内的倒戈战中侥倖击退一项不信任动议案。Two weeks ago he barely survived a rebellion within his own party to beat a no-confidence motion.能很快收得到利润的承诺吸引了心存侥倖的投资者Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.我们打赢了这场球赛,不过是侥倖取胜。We won the game but it was a narrow squeak.我们侥倖地助你通过了难关。We've pulled you through a narrow squeak.我完全是侥倖得胜。I win purely by chance.我倖免于难,也不知道是怎幺侥倖活下来的。That was a narrow squeak. I don't know how I survived.侥倖的是,陆军军事学院已为徵募一支庞大的美军制订出计画。War college had made plans for raising a large american army.


侥倖 off chance; with the skin of our teeth

侥倖做成 got away with

侥倖取走 get away with

侥倖合同 aleatory contract

侥倖心理 the idea of leaving things to chance; trusting to luck

侥倖成功 get away with it; got away with it; gotten away with it

抱万一侥倖的希望 hope against hope

