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延展的英文翻译 延展英文怎幺说 延展的英文例句




    to extend
    to stretch out

extend [ik'stend]


stretch [stretʃ]

    v.伸展,伸长 n.一段时间,一段路程,伸展

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过


这个性能叫做延展性。This property is known as ductility.这样可以无限的延展下去That could go on forever.带到太妃糖延展机... Iittie boy up to the taffy puiier okay?海湾佔据了整个中景,海水向两边延展,一眼望不到尽头。The bay filled the middle distance stretching out of sight on both sides.还由人体上的某种器官,延展到人某些近身的佩饰之物上。And there is a scale-up from an apparatus of the body to close-fitting accouterment.向野外散乱延展的市郊。Suburbs that sprawl out into the countryside这对于中国vi设计延展性问题的解决和分析有着很重要的借鑒意义。This is very important for the resolvent of tractility problem of vi design in china.


保险延展条款 extended cover clause

债务偿还期的延展 forbearance

冷延展管 n. cold drawn pipe

可延展性 ductility

可延展的资本 malleable capital

延展器 extensor

延展度 extensibility

延展式 extended type

延展性 n. ductility

延展承保批单 extended coverage endorsement

延展承保条款 extended cover clause

延展期限 forbearence

延展期限不等于免除债务 forbearance is no acquittance

延展线 n. cross

期日延展 deferral of date; extension of time limit

热延展管 n. hot drawn tube

牙槽脊延展术 alveolar ridge extension

结构延展性 structure ductility

自然延展 natural prolongation

镍铬钼可延展合金 nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy,ductile

非延展式 non extensible type

黄麻延展机 jute spreading machine

