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燕麦的英文翻译 燕麦英文怎幺说 燕麦的英文例句






    n 1 [pl, sometimes sing v 有时用单数动词] (grain from a) type of cereal plant grown in cool climates as food 燕麦: Give the horse some oats. 给马喂些燕麦. * fields of ripe barley and oats 成熟的大麦和燕麦田 * Oats is a crop grown widely in Europe. 燕麦是欧洲广泛种植的作物. 2 [sing or pl v] oatmeal porridge 燕麦粥: Is/Are porridge oats on the breakfast menu? 早餐的食谱上有燕麦粥吗? 3 (idm 习语) feel one's oats => feel1. be getting one's `oats (infml 口) have sex regularly 有正常的性生活. (be) off one's `oats (infml 口) (be) lacking appetite for food 胃口不好: He's been a bit off his oats since his illness. 他生病以来胃口就不大好. sow one's wild oats => sow2


他给他的马餵养燕麦。He fed oats to his horse.他们忘记了还有一麻袋的燕麦。They forgot about a sack of oat!它能把燕麦变成山羊。It turns oats into goats.我妻子告诉她说我去种野生燕麦My wife told her I was gonna sow wild oats.燕麦饼烤燕麦片扁蛋糕A flattened cake of baked oatmeal.燕麦粉麵包那湿润的芯,蛙青色的苦艾酒,她那清晨的馨香向空气献着殷勤。Moist pith of farls of bread the froggreen wormwood her matin incense court the air.燕麦粥,单面淋枫糖的葡萄乾Oatmeal raisins with a side of maple syrup.小宗粮食系指燕麦、麦和大麦。The nonstaple cereals refer to oat buck wheat and barley.


去壳燕麦 husked oat

燕麦 oat

燕麦单位 Avena 拉) unit

燕麦敌除草剂 diallate

燕麦棉 Oats cotton

燕麦棉 Oats cotton

燕麦灵 barbane Oatax Carbyne

燕麦灵 barbane Oatax Carbyne

燕麦片 oats flakes

燕麦粉 ground oat oat meal

燕麦脱壳机 oat clipper

燕麦芽 oat malt

燕麦试法 Avena 拉) test

燕麦酯除草剂 Bidisin chlorfenprop methyl chlorphenprop methyl

裸燕麦 naked oat, Avena nuda L.又称"蓧麦"。

野燕麦 wild oat

