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眼光的英文翻译 眼光英文怎幺说 眼光的英文例句





vision [viʒ(ә)n]

    n.视力,视觉,先见之明,眼力,想像力,幻想,幻影,景象 vt.梦见,想像,显示


我会用机警的眼光查看商品的保鲜期以及包装袋上的防伪标记。I keep a wary eye on the freshness date and examine the tamper-proof packaging.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、忿恨的、难以理解的眼光。I recognized the blank resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、忿恨的难以理解的眼光。I recognized the blank resentful stair of incomprehension in her eyes.一个有眼光,有胆量的人A man of vision and guts.以旧眼光看待戏剧界。Display provincial attitudes to the theatre以哲学的眼光看,一个牧师的罪危险性远少于他的德。To a philosophic eye the vices of the clergy are far more dangerous than their virtues.因此,我没有以任何英国的狭隘眼光来看这个问题。I therefore did not look upon the question from any narrow british point of view.由于他们眼光的敏锐以及手法的稳健。Because of their keenness of eye and steadiness of hand.在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly.作为一国国君应该有宽广的胸怀与眼光。A monarch should be a broad-minded man of vision.


企业家眼光 enterpreneurial vision

有敏锐的眼光 see through a brick wall

照...眼光看来 in her sight; in his sight; in my sight; in our sight; in their sight; in your sight

眼光 flair

眼光短浅 near sightedness

眼光短浅的 near sighted

眼光象测定器 ophthalmo-eikonometer

眼光锐利 saw into a millstone; saw through a brick wall; saw through a millstone; see into a millstone; see through a brick wall; see through a millstone; seen into a millstone; seen through a brick wall; seen through a millstone

