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氧化锌的英文翻译 氧化锌英文怎幺说 氧化锌的英文例句



[yǎng huà xīn]

    zinc oxide

zinc [ziŋk]

    n.锌 vt.涂锌于

oxide [ɔksaid]



含铅汽油;含铅氧化锌。Leaded gasoline; leaded zinc.具有红色氧化锌铬黄底漆和铬酸锌颜料的改良苯酚醇酸树脂介质Modified phenolic alkyd medium pigmented with redoxide and zinc chromate.纳米氧化锌、纳米氧化铝加工、销售。Namiyanghuaxin nanometer alumina processing and marketing.白色的颜料,用于水管漆中,含氧化锌。A white pigment used in hose paints; consists of zinc oxide.焊接镀锌钢时排放出的有毒的氧化锌对呼吸道产生刺激!Irritation to respiratory tracts from toxic zinc oxide emitted when welding galvanised steel!涂点救生员防晒用的氧化锌在鼻子上,她会为你疯狂Put some zinc oxide on your nose and she'll lose her mind.锌钡白一种由硫化锌、氧化锌和硫酸钡混合构成的白色色素。A white pigmentconsisting of a mixture of zinc sulfide zinc oxide and barium sulfate.摘要本文在探讨氧化锌变阻器经突波侵袭后所产生之劣化现象。The degradation of zinc oxide varistors after stressed by surges is studied.


未经加工的氧化锌 tutty

氧化锌 zinc oxid

氧化锌丁香油酚 zinc-oxide-eugenol, ZOE

氧化锌丁香油酚印模糊剂 zinc-oxide-eugenol impression paste

氧化锌压敏电阻器 zinc oxide pressure-sensitive resistor

氧化锌树脂薄膜 zinc oxide resin film

氧化锌橡皮膏 zinc oxide adhesive plaster

氧化锌纸 zinc oxide paper

氧化锌色料 zinc oxide pigment

氧化锌软膏 ointment of zinc oxide

氧化锌避雷器 zinc oxide arrester

活性氧化锌 activated zinc oxide

硷性二氧化锌-锰乾电池 alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide dry cell

过氧化锌 zinc peroxide

阀式氧化锌避雷器 valve type zinc oxide lightning arrester

高级氧化锌生产技术 production technique of high grade zinc oxide

