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痒的英文翻译 痒英文怎幺说 痒的英文例句



    to itch
    to tickle

itch [itʃ]

    n.发痒,渴望,[医]疥疮(尤指发痒的) vi.发痒,渴望

tickle [tik(ә)l]

    n.搔,胳肢,发痒 vt.胳肢,逗笑,使高兴,使发痒 vi.觉得痒,使人痒


我能感到颈后有头髮刺得我很痒。I could feel the hairs pricking on the back of my neck.我忍不住瘙痒。I can't stop scratching myself.我手指在扳机上很痒痒。I got me an itchy trigger finger.我眼睛痒得不得了。My eyes are unbearably itchy.血液透析滤过在缓解尿毒癥皮肤瘙痒中的应用Application of hdf in relieving skin iches of uremic pruritus.痒乐乳膏治疗瘙痒性皮肤病99例。99cases Of pruritic skin disease treated with kangle cream.这项决议案不痛不痒。This is an innocuous resolution.这只狗总是在搔痒。This dog is always scratching.住手!你知道我怕痒。Cut it out! You know I'm ticklish.


乌梢止痒胶囊 wu shao deitch capsule

使觉得痒 tickle

冬季瘙痒症 pruritus hiemalis

塑胶抓痒耙 round plastic comb

夏季瘙痒症 pruritus aestivalis

外阴瘙痒症 pruritus vulvae

头皮瘙痒症 pruritus capitis

妊娠痒疹 prurigo gestationis

妊娠瘙痒性荨麻疹性丘疹及斑块 pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy

妊娠瘙痒症 pruritus gravidarum

尿毒性瘙痒症 uremic pruritus

抓痒耙 round comb

止痒药 antipruritic

痒疹 prurigo

痒觉 itching sensation

瘙痒症 pruritus

竹抓痒挠 round bamboo comb

竹抓痒耙 bamboo back-scratcher

肛门瘙痒症 pruritus ani

胆汁性瘙痒症 biliary pruritus

穀痒症 grain itch

遗传性局限性瘙痒症 hereditary localized pruritus

阴囊瘙痒症 pruritus scroti

鼻痒 rhinocnesmus

