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嗦的英文翻译 嗦英文怎幺说 嗦的英文例句




suck [sʌk]



哆嗦的鸡鸡?还是疯癫的松鼠?Chilly willy? Or screwy squirrel?菲奥哪真是个啰嗦的人--我希望她直截了当地说出她想说的话。Fiona's such a prattler--I wish she'd get to the point of what she wants to say.黑麻子反而噜哩噜嗦说了许多,卜局长几乎下不得台。But the pock-marked fellow kept mumbling and grumbling till commissioner pu was very embarrassed.讲你必须讲的话,别多?嗦。Say what you have to say with no surplusage.男孩想要跟他的母亲罗哩八嗦,让他熬夜得较晚。The boy tried to palaver his mother into letting him stay up later.如此平淡?嗦以致于有许多人渐渐地低下头打瞌睡??That was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod--他因冷而打哆嗦。He was quaking with cold.她顺从地擤擤鼻子,身上仍在哆嗦,可是不知要吩咐他干什幺。She blew her nose obediently still trembling but she could not think what to tell him to do.我认为那教授的讲演有点啰嗦。I thought the professor's speech was a little wordy.像瘫痪似地浑身哆嗦。He shook as with a palsy.这样,不要啰嗦,让我来介绍今晚的发言人。And so without further ado let me introduce tonight's speaker.


两腿直哆嗦 shaken in his shoes

因...而哆嗦 tremble from; tremble with

打哆嗦 all of a shake; shiver with

啰嗦 verbosity

