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言语的英文翻译 言语英文怎幺说 言语的英文例句



[yán yǔ]


speech [spi:tʃ]

    n.演说,讲话 语音

talk [tɔ:k]

    v.谈话,讲,谈论,议论,说服某人做某事 n.谈话,会谈,讲演,讲话


叙事是人类最基本的一种言语活动,是人们藉以组织和重述人生经验的主要模式。Narration is a basic speech act upon which people tell and retell their experience.严厉的言语、指责等A scathing remark rebuke etc言语上的侮辱;表现出轻视和奚落。Abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule.言语是一种交流手段。Speech is a tool of communication.只是要弃绝那世俗的言语,和老妇的虚构无稽之事,并要操练自己以至于敬虔。But the profane and old-womanish myths refuse and exercise yourself unto godliness.自以为是的人、态度、言语A self-righteous person attitude remark


书面言语 written speech

内部言语 inner speech

刻板言语 stereotypy of speech

前牙言语空隙 anterior teeth speech space

后牙言语空隙 posterior teeth speech space

外部言语 external speech

持续言语 perseveration又称"持续动作"。

无法用言语来形容 have no words for

机器语言语句 machine language statement

模仿言语 echolalia

用言语使进入 whip into

电报式言语 telegraphic speech

自我中心言语 egocentric speech

自然语言语法 grammar for natural language

表情言语 expressive speech

言语 speech

言语功能测试 speech function test

言语困难 dyslalia

言语学习 verbal learning

言语干扰级 speech interference level

言语徐缓 bradylalia

言语心理学 speech psychology

言语心理治疗 verbal psychotherapy

言语接受阈 speech reception threshold, SRT

言语检察阈 speech detection threshold, SDT

言语治疗 speech therapy

言语活动 speech act

言语测听法 speech audiometry

言语清晰度 speech articulation

言语理解 speech comprehension

