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    crash course
    intensive course

crash [kræʃ]

    n.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,撞击声,爆裂声 v.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,(指商业公司,政府等)破产,垮台

course [kɔ:s]

    n.过程,经过,进程,方针,路线,跑道,课程,一道菜 v.追猎,急行,运行,流动 学业

intensive [in'tensiv]

    adj.强烈的,精深的,透彻的,[语法]加强语气的 n.加强器


仲城已迅速成为名人温床-餐馆厨师。Sin city is quickly becoming the hotbed of celebrity-chef restaurants.度假前我参加了一个滑雪速成班。I joined a skee accelerated course before the vacation.具有mpg手轮编辑功能及teach教导模式,使您可迅速成功的编写程式。You are able to quickly and successfully edit a new program by using mpg control and teach mode.他能否像苹果树或橡树那样迅速成熟起来,这并不重要。It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak.她当了公诉人后便迅速成为一位善于控制局面的出庭律师。Once she became a prosecutor she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.以rh治疗仪为产品创新实例,详细探讨了快速成型技术如何加快知识螺旋。With the example of the rh curer the paper discusses how rp& m accelerate knowledge spire.在他迅速成名之前,他从来没有出过刚果国门。Until his meteoric rise to fame he had never been outside the congo.这个算是速成者吧Talk about a quick study.


任务速成 project crashing

加速成本回收制 accelerated cost recovery system

原型速成 rapid prototyping

快速成相照相机 Instamatic camera

短期速成计画 crash programme

迅速成长 run up

速成习惯法 instant customary law

速成地图 hasty map

速成方法 crashing

速成时间 crash time

速成班 accelerated course

速成训练班 intensive training course

高能快速成型 high-energy-rate forming

高速成形机 high speed forming machine

