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眼眶的英文翻译 眼眶英文怎幺说 眼眶的英文例句



[yǎn kuàng]

    the eye socket

eye [ai]

    n.眼睛,视力,眼光,观点,见解,眼状物,风吹来的方向,[气]风眼 vt.看,注视,在...上打眼

socket [sɔkit]

    n.窝,穴,孔,插座,牙糟 v.给...配插座


面部或眼眶肿大、疼痛或出血。Any swelling of the cheek or orbit pain or evidence of haemorrhage.目的探讨小儿眼眶皮样囊肿的临床特点。Objective to study the clinical characteristics of children orbital dermoid cyst.你睁大了眼睛,眼眶中充满了泪水。Your eyes widen and brim with tears.前额脑叶切除经常通过眼眶做Lobotomies were often done via the eye socket.我的左眼眶又有了一滴眼泪。My left eye started with a tear on the inside track.看到他左眼眶下的亮点没?You see that bright spot below his left orbit?她眼眶发红,面色蜡黄。She had pink-rimmed eyes and a waxen complexion.眼眶骨膜从眼眶内侧壁剥离。The orbital periosteum is elevated from medial wall of the orbir.圆形的眼眶,几乎是椭圆形Eye orbits rounded almost oval.


先天性眼眶静脉曲张 congenital orbital varix

内眼眶叶 inner orbital lobe

眼眶 orbit眼眶

眼眶假瘤 pseudotumor of orbit

眼眶充气造影术 orbital pneumography

眼眶减压术 orbital decompression

眼眶前刺 preorbital spine

眼眶动脉造影术 orbital arteriography

眼眶放射照相术 radiography of orbit

眼眶横纹肌肉瘤 rhabdomyosarcoma of orbit

眼眶气肿 orbital emphysema

眼眶结核 orbital tuberculosis

眼眶脑膜膨出 orbital meningocele

眼眶脓肿 orbital abscess

眼眶蜂窝织炎 orbital cellulitis

眼眶血管瘤 orbital hemangioma

眼眶血管造影术 orbital angiography

眼眶触角沟 orbito-antennal groove

眼眶造影术 orbitography

眼眶静脉造影术 orbital venography

眼眶黏液囊肿 mucocele of orbit

