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烟囱的英文翻译 烟囱英文怎幺说 烟囱的英文例句



[yān cōng]


chimney [tʃimni]



圣诞老人从烟囱降临。Santa claus comes down the chimney.圣诞老人从烟囱下来。Santa claus comes down from the chimney.我叫人扫了烟囱。I had my chimneys swept.尾气经灼烧后,经过烟囱连续排放至大气Incinerated tail gas is released into atmosphere through chimney continuously.烟囱高出屋顶四英尺…Chimney extends about four feet from the roofline...烟囱里的风呼呼作响。The sough of the wind in the chimney一缕轻烟从烟囱中嫋嫋上升。A wisp of smoke spiralled skywards from the chimney.在废弃的烟囱中筑巢的美洲雨燕。American swift that nests in e.g.unused chimneys.智能炸弹从烟囱里掉下来。The one smart bomb falling down a chimney.


丛烟囱 chimney stalk

假烟囱 dummy funnel

圬工烟囱 masonry chimney

工厂的高烟囱 chimney stalk

总烟囱 chimney stack

扫烟囱机 chimney sweeping machine

放空烟囱 blow-down stack

斗形烟囱盖 n. funnel hood

无声烟囱 n. dummy funnel

有...烟囱的 funneled

流线型烟囱 streamlined funnel

火车头烟囱 chimney for locomotive

炉子烟囱 furnace stack

烟囱 smoke stack; wythe; chimney; smoke pipe

烟囱上识别标誌 n. funnel mark

烟囱体 chimney stack

烟囱倾斜 stack leaning

烟囱内的尖塔形通风设备 stack funnel; stackfunnel

烟囱压力 stack pressure

烟囱型冷却器 chimney cooler

烟囱外套 n. funnel casing

烟囱头 smoke stack head

烟囱帽 chimney top; chimney cap; smoke stack hood

烟囱帽盖 n. funnel cape

烟囱底部烟道进口 chimney intake at base

烟囱座基 chimney base

烟囱扫除 chimney sweep

烟囱抽风 chimney ventilation

烟囱排放 stack emission

烟囱排水槽 chimney gutter

