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搜救的英文翻译 搜救英文怎幺说 搜救的英文例句



[sōu jiù]

    search and rescue

search [sә:tʃ]

    n.搜寻,查究 v.搜索,搜寻,探求,调查

rescue [reskju:]

    vt.援救,营救 n.援救,营救


搜救组仍在搜索大楼Esu's still searching the building.搜救队在例行检查船的下部Dive team's doing a routine check on the underside of the boat.搜救队在瓦砾堆中查找生还者。The rescue team combed through the rubble to save survivors.通知负责搜救的猛禽机Alert the search and rescue raptor.


低极轨道卫星搜救系统 COSPAS-SARSAT system

商船搜救手册 Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual

搜救业务 search and rescue service, SAR service

搜救任务协调员 search and rescue mission coordinator, SMC

搜救区 search and rescue region, SRR

搜救协调 Search and Rescue Co-ordination

搜救协调通信 search and rescue coordinating communication

搜救卫星 Search and Rescue Satellite

搜救卫星系统 search and rescue satellite system

搜救程式 search and rescue procedure

搜救计画 Search and Rescue Plans

搜救通信协调入 SAR Communication Co-ordinator

搜救雷达应答器 search and rescue radar transponder

海上搜救 marine search and rescue

海协搜救手册 Manual IMCO Search and Rescue Manual

