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腌的英文翻译 腌英文怎幺说 腌的英文例句



    to salt
    to pickle
    to cure (meat)

salt [sɔ:lt]

    n.食盐,风趣,刺激 adj.含盐的,鹹的,风趣的,辛辣的 vt.加盐于,用盐腌 SALT [缩写] 限制战略武器会谈

pickle [pik(ә)l]

    n.(腌肉、菜等用的)盐汁,醋汁,腌渍品,泡菜 vt.腌,泡


盐是一在防腐剂,我们腌制肉和鱼就是利用了这个优点。Salt is a great preservative; advantage is taken of this in salting meat and fish.一种球形的西瓜,有可製成蜜饯和腌制的白色果肉。A globose watermelon having white flesh that is candied or pickled.应避免进食腌制的蔬菜,例如盐腌及醋渍蔬菜。Avoid preserved vegetables such as salt-cured and pickled vegetables.用少量夏敦埃酒和普罗旺斯香草腌制I saut? Them in a chardonnay reduction with herbes de provence.用于烟熏腌猪肉的步骤同样适用于牛肉。The same smokehouse procedures used for curing pork work well for beef.在印度麻腌一腌…Marinate it out in the sun...在早期文化中,人们使用烟薰、腌制等工艺来保存吃不完的鱼和肉。Early cultures used techniques such as smoking and salting to preserve surplus meat and fish.这块肉应放在腌汁中浸泡一夜以使它变嫩并入味。The meat should be marinated overnight to tenderize and flavour it.


鹹腌鱼 cured fish

成块腌肉 whole bacon

盐腌的 in salt

肉类腌制混合粉 curing mix powder

腌 salt down; souse in

腌制 curing

腌制器 pickler

腌制火腿 cured ham

腌制牛肉 cured beef

腌制菜 salted & preserved vegetable

腌鹹鸡蛋 preserved and salted egg

腌坛 n. pickling tank

腌海带 pickled kelp

腌海藻 pickled seaweed

腌渍保藏 curing preservation

腌渍蘑菇 mushroom in brine

腌芥菜 pickled leaf mustard

腌莴苣 pickled lettuce

腌菜猪肉 pork with preserved vegetable

腌萝蔔乾 turnip strip,salted and dried

腌雪里红 salted potherb mustard

腌黄瓜 pickled cucumber

