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rouge [ru:ʒ]

    n.口红,胭脂,红铁粉 v.擦口红


绝对的最佳时机补充最适红色或胭脂在一定助推器。The absolute best time to add opti-red or booster rouge is in the must.来自紫胶或胭脂虫的紫红色色素。A purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal.梅兹尔说,大佛涂上胭脂红,小佛涂上多种颜色。The larger buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored mr.melzl said.她们涂了口红和胭脂。They wore lipstick and rouge.她往脸上擦上些胭脂就结束了化妆。She finished her make-up by puning on some blusher.我能看看胭脂吗?May I see some blusher?胭脂香鹅是一道什幺菜?What is the carmine goose like?一种象胭脂红的猩红色染料,与堿一起从原紫胶中提取。Scarlet dye like cochineal; extracted with alkali from stick lac.酱鸭亚硝酸盐超标22。00%,胭脂红超标13。00%。The sauce duck nitrite exceeded the standards by22.00% thekermes red exceeds the standards13.00%.是不是没胭脂了?“Is there a rouge shortage? "她的面色苍白,两颊上涂着一块银元大的胭脂。Face is dead white and she wears a smudge of rouge the size of a silver dollar on each cheek.胭脂会使我的脸颊红润。The rouge will make my cheeks look rosy.


偶氮胭脂红 azocarmine

凹道亮光胭脂瓶 rouge glaze vase with concave lines

胭脂 kermes胭脂

胭脂乳 liquid rouge

胭脂块 rouge cake

胭脂树橙 annatto

胭脂树橙 annatto

胭脂树韧皮纤维 annotta fibre

胭脂水 rouge lotion

胭脂盒 rouge box

胭脂红 carmine red cochineal

胭脂红 cochial red

胭脂红酸 carminic acid

胭脂胶 rouge gel

胭脂膏 cream rouge rouge cream

胭脂虫红 cochineal carmine cochineal red

胭脂酮酸 kermesic acid胭脂酮酸

靛胭脂 indigo carmine

