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松子的英文翻译 松子英文怎幺说 松子的英文例句



[sōng zǐ]

    pine nut;cedar nut;pine seed

pine [pain]

    n.松树,树木 v.消瘦,憔悴,渴望,渴慕

nut [nʌt]


cedar [si:dә(r)]



酒吧里,一个年轻的、目光犀利的男人喜怒无常地盯着一瓶杜松子滋补酒。In the bar a youngish sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic.可我说:“即使她身上有一种杜松子酒味,而且脸上还泛着红光也不讨厌吗?I said "not even if they smelled of gin and were very pink in the face?"苦艾酒里加点杜松子酒And just let the vermouth blow a kiss at the gin.拿黑刺李杜松子酒You got your sloe gin请来两份杜松子酒加奎宁汽水。Two gin and tonics please.他们以前常常坐在一起,用小金属杯痛饮当地的杜松子酒。They used to sit and swig local gin from tiny metal cups.他又喝了一口杜松子酒。He drank another mouthful of gin.她倒了一大杯杜松子酒,从虹吸瓶里搀了些苏打水进去。She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.我老爸对那杜松子酒总是有点吝啬!My dad's always a bit parsimonious with the gin!我想来一杯杜松子滋补酒。I rather fancy a gin and tonic.我要了杜松子酒和苦艾酒。I ordered gin and vermouth.用2汤匙油炒香松子仁至金黄,取起。Stir-fry pine nuts in2tbsp oil until golden yellow.set aside.用杜松子酒製成的混合酒饮料。A rickey made with gin.


有气的杜松子酒 gin fizz

杜松子 juniper berry

杜松子油 juniper berry oil

杜松子酒 Gin gin cooler

松子 Indian mut

松子仁 pinenut kernel

松子火腿月饼 pineseed and ham moon cake

松子糖 pinenut candy

松子香酥 pineseed cake

