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cliff [klif]


rock [rɔk]

    n.岩石,暗礁,石头,摇动 vt.摇摆,使动摇 vi.摇,摇动


一种细颗粒的变质岩,能分裂成薄层。A fine-grained metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers.一种硬质、粗颗粒的硅酸砂岩。A hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone.一种由粗颗粒物质形成的沉积岩。A sedimentary rock formed of coarse-grained material.一种由粘土沉澱物形成的沉积岩。A sedimentary rock formed from clay deposits.一种在岩石区湖水潭常见的海葵。A genus of sea anemone common in rock pools.一种主要由闪石和斜长岩组成的变质岩。A metamorphic rock composed chiefly of amphibole and plagioclase.主铬铁岩矿层及麦侖斯基矿层出露不好。The main chromitite seam and the merensky reef do not outcrop well.主要成份:马鞭草、岩兰草、檀香。Ingredient: verbena and vetiver etc.


三斗坪岩群 Sandouping Group Complexp

三维式岩石钻头 tricone rock bit

三脚架式钻岩机 tripoint rock drill

上向凿岩机 stoper

上覆岩层 overlying strata煤层或採掘空间之上的岩层。

上覆岩层压力 overburden pressure

不含矿的岩石 gob

不混熔岩浆 immiscible magma

中性岩 intermediate rock

中色岩 mesocratic rock

二元岩 binay rock

二元岩浆 binay magma

二臂凿岩台车 drill jumbo with 2 booms

二辉橄榄岩 lherzolite

二长岩 monzonite

二长花岗岩 monzonitic granite

云斜煌岩 kersantite

云主机板岩 mica slate

云母片岩 mica schist

云煌岩 minette曾用名"云正煌斑岩"。

云英岩 greisen

井壁岩心分析 sidewall core analysis又称"侧壁岩心分析"。

产铀岩体 uranium productive massif

亮晶灰岩 sparite

亲花岗岩矿床 granophile deposit

介壳灰岩 coquina

伟晶岩 pegmatite

伟晶岩型铀矿 pegmatite uranium deposit

似曜岩 tektite

侵入岩 intrusive rock

