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weir [wiә(r)]



从堰开口处的泻水应畅通。The discharge from the weir opening should be free.堰枪杀了67名在第二组中的一天去5下。Weir shot a67in the second group of the day to get to5under.主要经历及成绩四川农业大学都江堰分校英语风采大赛一等奖;The english mien competition of sichuan agricultural university dujiangyan campus: the first one;筑堰原料就地取材,有利于自然资源的保护;2.using Local materials to build the weir favors the natural resources;


侧堰 side weir堰顶轴线与管道水流方向平行或近于平行的堰。

冰堰湖 extra morainic lake; ice dam lake; proglacial lake

切口堰 notched weir

捲帘堰 curtain weir

双壁钢围堰钻孔基础 doublewall steel cofferdam bored foundation

双壁钢围堰钻孔桩基础 double-walled steel cofferdam and bored pile foundation

双层板桩围堰 double wall cofferdam

可调节溢流堰 controlled spillway或controlled weir

围堰 cofferdam

固定溢流堰 fixed dam; fixed weir

圆形堰 circular weir

土围堰 earth cofferdam

土石围堰 earthrockfill cofferdam用土石材料修建的临时挡水建筑物。

堤堰围成的人工湖 barrier lake

堰上溢流液头 height of crest over weir

堰塞湖 barrier lake; dammed lake

堰式水位计 weir gauge yan

堰式再分配器 weir-type redistributor

堰式溢流道 barrage type spilway

堰流 weir flow

堰流公式 weir formula

堰湖 barrier lake

堰闸 n. flash

堰顶 top of weir; weir crest

堰顶收缩 crest contraction

堰顶门 crest gate

堰高 weir height

塘堰 pond, pool蓄水容积在100 000m3以下的小型地表蓄水工程。

塘堰育青培育 fingerling rearing by culture of grasses in pond在塘堰浅水或湿润期种植稗草等,俟蓄水后腐烂成肥以利鱼种培育。

複式槽口量水堰 compound weir

