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[yà yú]

    be second to; be inferior to

second [sekәnd]

    n.秒,片刻,第二者,第二人,助手,次货,二等品 adj.另一个,又一个 num.第二 vt.赞成,支持


柏辽兹认为他并不亚于贝多芬和格鲁克。Berlioz compared him favorably to beethoven and gluck.先涛公司在科技上的设备绝对不亚于美国的工业光魔公司。The technology centro has at its disposal is no less impressive than ilm itself.中国肉桂树种;气味亚于印度肉桂。Chinese tree with aromatic bark; yields a less desirable cinnamon than ceylon cinnamon.《暴风雨》是威廉•莎士比亚于1612年的绝笔之作。The tempest was william shakespeare's swan song in1612.不亚于托尔普多村蒙难事件的一桩资本主义侵权事例。An example of capitalist injustice comparable to the case of the tolpuddle martyrs.美国必须显得在渴望裁军方向不亚于任何人。The united states must appear second to none in its desire for disarmament.你在我们班不亚于任何人。You are second to none in our class.他的舞技不亚于任何人。"As a dancer he is second to none."我们知道莎士比亚于1564年生于亚芬河畔的斯特拉福镇,卒于1616年。We know that shakespeare was born in1564in stratford-on-avon and that he died in1616.这只笔不亚于任何别的笔。This pen is second to none.


不亚于 stand comparison with; stands comparison with; stood comparison with

