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双重人格的英文翻译 双重人格英文怎幺说 双重人格的英文例句



[shuāngzhòng réngé]

    dual personality;double personality;split personality

dual [dju:әl]


personality [pә:sә'næliti]


double [dʌb(ә)l]

    n.两倍,[计] 双精度型 adj.两倍的,双重的 vt.使加倍 vi.加倍,快步走,加倍努力


我从来没有想到他会那样, 他真是有善恶双重人格I'd never have expected him to behave like that; he's a real Jekyll and Hyde.他以前过着双重人格的生活--白天当教区委员、夜里当贼。He is living a double life- a church warden by day and a thief by night.自从马科斯回来以后,我隐约地感到自己在过着双重人格的生活。Since Marcus’ return I had become vaguely aware that I was leading a double life.我从来没有想到他会那样,他真是有善恶双重人格。I "d never have expected him to behave like that; he's a real jekyll and hyde.本文分析了希斯克厉夫双重人格的表现,以及形成这种人格的原因。The thesis analyzes the embodiments and the causes of hithcliff's dual personality.双重人格在日本的精神病学上是不被承认的Dual personality isn't r ecogn iz ed by japan's psych iatry!他的内心爱恨纠缠,是一个具有双重人格的形象。He is filled with love and hate and is a person with dual personality.他过着双重人格的生活。He leads a jekyll and hyde existence.她那双重人格的又一实例。Another example of her dual personality.怎幺了?突然间变成双重人格?What...? What happened? Why the sudden jekyll and hyde?自从他开始酗酒以来,就成了双重人格的人。He's become something of a jekyll and hyde since he started drinking.


双重人格 dual personality

过双重人格的生活 lead a jekyll and hyde existence

过着双重人格的生活 lead a double life; led a double life; live a double life

