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送还的英文翻译 送还英文怎幺说 送还的英文例句




    to return
    to give back
    to send back

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持


钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。The money was returned intact by its finder.别忘了,你一使用完梯子,就请送还给我。Don't forget, I want my ladder back the moment you have finished with it.明天,我要约他去春游,顺便送还他这只风筝。Tomorrow I will invite him have a picnic and then conveniently give back his lovely kite.送还我们根特的伯伯,"Rendez-nous notre pere de gand rendez-nous notre pere."他不想将圣经归还,但是他也无法找一个替代品去送还。He does not want to turn in the bible but he also cannot find a substitute.因为我们是有品德的人,你们念这时信时,五匹怒马已把我们送还给我们的爸爸妈妈了。At the hour when you read this five fiery horses will be bearing us to our papas and mammas.这些财产已送还原主。The property has been returned to the original owner.

