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    send; send; deliver

send [send]



医疗援助必须火速送到灾区。Medical aid must be sent to the stricken area posthaste.因此病人被送到手术室立即作胸廓切开术。The patient was therefore transferred to theatre for immediate thoracotomy.原先我们以为它将被送到我们拍卖会上的时候When we thought it was coming for our show...在传统日本旅馆我们将会把您的晚餐和早餐送到您的房间去。In the traditional style of a ryokan you will be served your breakfast and dinner in your room.在该表中发现的一些资料会传送到stp。Some of the data found on this form is passed on to the stp.


免费运送到家 free house

包送到店,包送到家 store delivery

发送到 forward to

吹送到 waft to

将...运送到 move to

将货物转送到新的地点 readdress cargo

开车将...送到...处 drive to

把...从甲板上送到舱内去 send below

把...往下送到 send down

把...送到人家作佣人 put someone out to service

把工件运送到机器 pieces delivered to machine

把工件运送到机器上 pieces delivered to machine

护送到 escort to

押送到 escort to

用卡车运送到...处 truck to

用汽车将...送到 motor to

由...处转送到 forward from

自发货库送到收货库 store-door pick-up

被送到 fed to; transmitted to

转送到 forward to

输送到非常远的距离 transmitted over a long distance

运送到使用地点 move to point-of-use

运送到卸货处 transport to unloading

运送到顾客指定地点 move to customer locations

送到 escort to

送到...的手中 deliver into one''s hand

送到付现 cash on delivery

送到单 delivery form

送到大门口 saw out

送到顾客指定地点 move to customer locations

