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压下的英文翻译 压下英文怎幺说 压下的英文例句



[yā xià]

    depress;force down

depress [di'pres]

    vt.使沮丧,使消沉,压下,压低,使不活泼,使萧条 v.压下

force [fɔ:s]

    n.力量,武力,精力,魄力,势力,暴力,[複]军队,影响力 vt.强制,强加,(用武力)夺取,促使,推动,施加压力

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


人民在赋税的重压下受折磨。The people groaned under the load of taxes.树干上的一个分枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。They groaned under the load of taxes.压缩机将处于高温高压下的气化冷冻剂送到位于受热空间内的冷凝器。The compressor delivers vaporized refrigerant to the condenser in the space to be heated.一旦一个球开始快速向前旋转,它在球的顶端上创造气压将球压下来。Once a ball starts to spin forward it creates air pressure on top of the ball pushing it down.在大气压下的蒸汽过热装置。Facility for steam superheating at atmospheric pressure available.在输入电压下降时的输入门限电压。The input threshold voltage when the input voltage is falling.这些物质是由强压下凝固的几种液体混合而形成的。These substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under great preasure.这座桥在载重汽车的重压下坍塌了。The bridge gave way under the weight of the heavy truck.正常室温和气压下,两者均为气体,比如甲烷,恨容易汽化。Both are gases at normal room temperature and atmospheric pressure like methane readily vaporising.


加压下不渗透的 pressure tight

压下 cog down

压下装置 holding-down device

压下规程 draft schedule

压下量 percent reduction

在常压下 under ordinary pressure

大叫大嚷把...发言压下去 shout down

将...用力压下去 mash down

常压下 at ordinary pressure

总压下量 total reduction

液压下料机 swing beam cutting machine

蒸气压下降 vapor pressure lowering

螺旋压下机构 screwdown

