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压盖的英文翻译 压盖英文怎幺说 压盖的英文例句



[yā gài]

    gland bush;gland

gland [glænd]


bush [buʃ]



均匀分布的压盖螺栓为填料提供均匀的压力。Equally distributed gland bolts provide uniform compression of packing.两件式填料压盖防止压盖翘起和阀杆损坏。A two piece packing gland prevents cocking and stem damage.配置球形表面的两件式压盖保证填料符合超过360%且均匀稳定。Two-piece gland with spherical mating surfaces to assure an even packing load over360%.压盖有眼螺栓:有眼螺栓可以从旁边旋起,使得填料函的填料更换更加容易。Gland eye bolts: eyebolts swing aside for ease in repacking the stuffing box.


压盖 gland

压盖塞瓶机 bottle corking machine

压盖机 capper capping machine

压盖沸腾钢 capped steel

压盖油冷却器 gland oil cooler

压盖油杯 gland oil cup

压盖肌 depressor muscle

压盖螺栓 gland stud

压盖螺母 gland nut

压盖衬管 gland tube

填函压盖 n. gland

填料函压盖 n. stuffing box gland

填料函压盖螺栓 n. junk ring bolt

奶瓶压盖机 milk bottle capping machine

密封压盖 n. stuffing box gland

封口压盖机 closing machine

迴圈水泵压盖 circulating pump gland

迴圈水泵压盖衬管 circulating pump gland bush

散热器承压盖 radiator-pressure cap

旋转式压盖机 rotary capping machine

气泵压盖螺栓 air pump gland stud

水箱承压盖 radiator-pressure cap

活塞压盖 piston gland

添水泵压盖 feed pump gland

添水泵压盖衬套 feed pump gland bush

瓶子压盖机 bottle capping machine

碳环压盖 n. carbon gland

自动压盖机 automatic capping machine automatic crowning machine

舱底泵压盖 bilge pump gland

船尾压盖 n. stern gland

