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司令的英文翻译 司令英文怎幺说 司令的英文例句




    commanding officer

commanding [kә'ma:ndiŋ]


officer [ɔfisә(r); (-) 'ɔ:fisәr]

    n.政府官员,军官,警官,船长 vt.指挥


是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。It is this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief.位于摩苏尔的地区办公室现在已在临时司令部里完全投入运作。The regional office in mosul is now fully operational at its temporary headquarters.我们和北美防空联合司令部没有协调There's no coordination between what norad has and what we have.我要见零号司令官,行吗?L'm looking for commander zero huh?约瑟夫菲尔普斯酒园于1974年的秋天推出了其第一款葡萄酒——约翰尼斯堡雷司令1973。The first phelps wine 1973johannisberg riesling was introduced in the fall of1974.在同日上午,以色列南部司令部将其部队在西奈半岛。On the same morning israel southern command moved its forces in sinai.这个士兵向司令部作了报告。The soldier reported to headquarters.这是希拉,我的副司令。This is sheila my second-in-command.


军舰司令塔 conning tower

司令 commander; commanding officer

司令台 n. flag bridge

司令室 admiral cabin

司令桥楼 n. flag bridge

司令舰 command ship

司令部 command staff; head quarter; commandant

宪兵司令 provost marshal

总司令 commander in chief

总司令部 general headquarters

扫雷司令舰 minesweepers'' headquarters ship

新加坡毡司令鸡尾酒 Singapore Gin Sling

森林消防司令部 forest firefighting head quarters

测绘司令部 Topographic Command

消防局司令部长官 chief of department

潜水艇的流线驶台和司令塔 n. fairwater

离去司令官职位 lower our flag; lower their flag

空军司令 commander of the air force

空军司令部 air command; general headquarters of the air force

舰队司令 admiral

警备司令部 garrison headquarters

雷司令葡萄酒 Riesling

