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私货的英文翻译 私货英文怎幺说 私货的英文例句




    contraband;smuggled goods;run goods

contraband [kɔntrәbænd]

    n.违法交易,违禁品,走私 adj.禁运的,非法买卖的

goods [gudz]


run [rʌn]

    n.跑,赛跑,奔跑,运转,趋向 vi.跑,奔,逃跑,竞选,跑步,蔓延,进行,行驶 vt.使跑,参赛,追究,使流,管理,运行,开动 adj.熔化的,融化的,浇铸的 vbl.run的过去式和过去分词


假若查出你向该国走私货物, 你的货物准得没收。If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.在旅馆的储藏室里发现了走私货。Contraband goods were found in the storehouse of the hotel.海关官员登上船仔细搜索走私货物。The customs house officers boarded our ship and made a thorough search for smuggled goods.里面没有上海带来的私货罢?You don't have any contraband from shanghai do you?在过海关时,这辆卡车被查出装有价值几千英镑的走私货。Going through customs the lorry was found to be carrying thousands of pounds worth of contraband.在他的房子里发现了走私货。Contraband goods were found in his house.非法侵佔权利;贩运私货;工人自发进行的罢工;不法方式。An illegitimate seizure of power; illicit trade; an outlaw strike; unlawful measures.海关工作人员不得购买没收的走私货物、物品;No customs personnel shall be allowed to purchase confiscated smuggled goods or articles.那是走私货物用的I use them for smuggling.这不是她第一次卖走私货了It's not the first time she sold smuggled goods.这批走私货物宣告没收。The smuggled goods were condemned.


检查船上有无私货 jerque

检查船中有无私货 jerque

没收走私货物 seize smuggled goods; seizure of smuggled goods

私货 contraband; run goods

走私货 contraband goods

走私货,走私品 contraband goods; smuggled goods; run goods; uncustomed goods

