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似乎的英文翻译 似乎英文怎幺说 似乎的英文例句




    to seem
    to appear

apparently [ә'pærәntli]


seem [si:m]



他似乎是个重要人物。He seems to be somebody.他似乎在跟随着我们。He is seemingly following us.为何再此时期寻找敌人似乎比再新经济政策时期变得更为重要?Why does the search for enemies seem to become so much more prominent in this period than in nep?一个主要的目标似乎是玛律科•迪•洛雷托,这是一名过去5年的佩鲁贾的中后卫球员。One main target seems to be marco di loreto since five years perugia's central defender.一切似乎都是乱七八糟。Everything seemed at sixes and sevens.一些趋势现在似乎清晰了。Some trends now seem clear.一些人失业似乎是不可避免的。Some job losses seem unavoidable.一种常见的蜃景是在热天里在路上似乎飘浮着一大片水。A common mirage is a sheet of water that seems to appear on a road in hot weather.


似乎 look as if

似乎不可能的是 it seeems impossible that

似乎不是 it can not appear that; it does not appear that; it may not appear that; it must not appear that; it should not appear that; it will not appear that; it would not appear that

似乎可信的推理 probable reasoning

似乎好象 seem as if; seem as though

似乎是 it appears that; it seems that; seems to be

似乎有 there appears to be; there seem to be; there seems to be

似乎有时 there seems to be some cases

似乎有理 show of reason

看来似乎 look as if

表现得似乎 act as though

