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涯的英文翻译 涯英文怎幺说 涯的英文例句




border [bɔ:dә(r)]

    n.边界,国界,边,边沿,边境 vt.与...接壤,接近 v.接壤

horizon [hә'raiz(ә)n]

    n.地平线 n.地平(线),(知识,思想等的)範围,视野

shore [ʃɔ:(r)]

    n.岸,海滨,支撑柱 vt.支撑,支持


小野洋子我们先从你的艺术生涯谈起。Yoko ono let's begin with your work as an artist.许多电影明星的职业生涯开始于情景喜剧。The careers of many movie stars began in situation comedy.演艺生涯结束后他决定遁世隐居。He decided to retire from the world after his busy life as an actor.一个人羁留尘世的生涯结束了。Thus ended one man's sojourn in this world.在他漫长而卓有成就的生涯中,马蒂斯力图改进自己的作品。Throughout his long and successful career matisse sought to improve his work.在最近的三个球季,老克对于自己是否会继续在大联盟的球员生涯都是维持含糊的态度。As he has been the last three seasons clemens was noncommittal on his future as a player.摘要巴赫金将对话的思想贯穿于其学术生涯的始终。The theory of dialogue goes through all mikhail bakhtin's academic life.摘要纳博科夫的流亡生涯对其创作尤其是其艺术观的形成是有着重要影响的。Vladimir nabokov's strong opinions on literature were closely related to his experience in exile.这位将军以列兵身份开始他的戎马生涯,最后竟成为国家的统治者。To the general began his army life as a private soldier and landed up as ruler of his country.作为一个网球选手,阿加西的网球生涯在早期和晚期均出现低谷,中间有一段时间的休整。As a tennis player agassi's maturation was both early and late book-ending a fallow middle period.


以...开始...的生涯 begin as

在职生涯 active life

天涯地角 ultima thule

天涯海角 the corners of the earth

职业生涯发展计画 career development

