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私生的英文翻译 私生英文怎幺说 私生的英文例句



[sī shēng]

    by the left hand;illegitimacy

left [left]

    adj.左边的,左倾的,左侧的,左派的,左翼的 adv.在左面 n.左,左边,左派 vbl.leave的过去式和过去分词

hand [hænd]

    n.手,掌管,协助,支配,插手,指针,雇员,手艺 vt.支持,搀扶,交给

illegitimacy [.ili'dʒitimәsi]



你的私生活是你自己的Your private life is your own.去保护eiger的私生活To protect mr.eiger's private life.他们在调查她的私生活。They were investigating her private life.她从未谈论她的私生活。She never spoke about her private life.她的私生活和公众生活之间的矛盾。A conflict between her private and her public life.她喜欢打听友人的私生活。She likes to pry into the private life of her friends.我不是想干涉你的私生活I don't wanna pry into your personal business我告诉过他不要窥探我的私生活。I told him not to pry into my private life.我们不得侵害他人的私生活。We mustn't violate the privacy of others.我有自己的私生活My private life is my own.这两个统治者的统治权已经传给了他们私生的或令人质疑的后代-e。a。弗里曼。The dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring-e.a.freeman.这些报纸极尽能事地挖掘人们私生活的细节。These newspapers delve pruriently into people's private lives.作为私生子的孩子们深受耻辱。The children suffered the stigma of illegitimate birth.


男性私生子 filius nullius; illegitimate son; son of nobody

私生 bastardy

私生子女 children born out of wedlock; natural children

私生子的判定 bastardization

私生子的承认 legitimation

私生子顺序 bastardy orders

私生长子 bastard elder

