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丝带的英文翻译 丝带英文怎幺说 丝带的英文例句



[sī dài]


ribbon [ribәn]



他长着鬈曲的白髮,戴着悬垂在丝带下麵的单片眼镜。He had wavy white hair and a monocle dangling from a ribbon.她把一条黄丝带缠绕在那棵橡树上。She tied a yellow ribbon round the oak tree.她身穿黄色的莎丽服,头髮上缚了黄色的丝带以与之相配。She was dressed in a yellow sari with yellow ribbons to match in her hair.我不能把丝带给我表亲?Mayn't I give a bit of ribbon to my own cousin?欣赏丝带编折的作品。Appreciate the works of riband knitting.一旦牛的绒毛膜移出了体外,它就被剪成长的“丝带”。Once the beef serosa has been removed from the animal it is cut into long ribbons.一种用于装饰的丝带。A ribbon used as a decoration.用白纸和红丝带包装好的礼物。Presents done up in white paper and red ribbon.有红色,蕾丝带的吗?Got any red lacy thongs?在我解开丝带时,父母和我共度的那些美好时光浮现在我脑海。When I untied the riband parents with me live through those goodliness time had rayed in my brain.扎了根破旧红丝带随风摇曳的辫子。A pigtail with a ragged red ribbon streaming in the wind.缀满长丝带的阳台。Balconies strewn with swathes of silk.


丝带 blonde lace ribbon silk ribbon silk tape

丝带静电发电机 belt generator

丝带领带 string tie

夹钢丝带式运输机 wire-mesh conveyor

平面丝带 rayon flat tape

义大利丝带 Italian ferret

狭丝带 faveurs

编织丝带 corses

罗可哥丝带绣 rococo embroidery

罗缎丝带 faille ribbon

薄绉丝带 marabout marabou

金属扁丝带 metallic wire braid

金线狭丝带 chagrin braid

饰髮丝带花结 ribbon hairbow

黑色丝带 armozeen

黑色丝带 armozeen

