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咝的英文翻译 咝英文怎幺说 咝的英文例句



    to hiss
    to whistle
    to whiz

hiss [his]


whistle [wis(ә)l; (-) 'hwisl]

    n.口哨,汽笛,口哨声,汽笛声 v.吹口哨,鸣汽笛


让那些选择了他们自己的焰火咝咝的世界的,就生活在那里吧。Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks.发出燃烧脂肪一样的咝咝声。Make a sound like frying fat.火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。The ham frizzled in the frying pan.那咝咝作响的沥青马路让你感到窒息The sizzling asphalt suffocating you...咝?橐采杓朴美粗С侄嘀?酚τ谩The2-wire protocol is designed for multi-drop applications as well.他将炽热的铁“咝”地一声扔进冷水里。He threw the hot iron hissing into cold water.油灯轻轻发出咝咝声。The oil lamp sizzled softly.插入咝咝的声音在另一个声音前或后面。Convert into a sibilant sound.发出咝咝声表示,咝咝地说出To utter with a sharp sibilant sound.观众们发出嘘声和嘶声。茶壶在炉子上发出咝咝声The audience booed and hissed.the teakettle hissed on the stove.观众们发出嘘声和嘶声。茶壶在炉子上发出咝咝声。The audience booedand hissed.the teakettle hissed on the stove.燃烧或烧焦时发出的咝咝声。Burn or sear with a sizzling sound.

