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润色的英文翻译 润色英文怎幺说 润色的英文例句




    to decorate

decorate [dekәreit]



他的报告经过他办公室人员的润色。The speech he gave had been touched up by his staff.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.人们可以看出,这张画有几个地方是经过润色的。One could see that the painting had been touched up in several places.这本书写得真诚坦率,但还未经润色。It's an honest book but it hasn't been polished.他有两篇差不多可以发表的短文,它们只需稍加润色即可。He has two short articles almost ready for publication; they just need to be touched up.吴先生正在对他的彙报作最后的润色。Mr.Wu was putting the finishing touches to his report.他们请这位作家把写好的故事润色一下,以便出版。The writer was asked to touch up the story for publication.约翰尼正在对他的报告作最后的润色。Johnny was putting the finishing touches to his report.装饰装饰、修饰或润色的行为或过程The act or process of decorating adorning or embellishing.他的发言总是要经过仔细润色的。His speech was always polished to a nail.我们另外约个时间,将头髮根部润色,是吧?We going to make another appointment touch up the roots ja?这本书出版以前,他还得最后进行润色。He'll have to touch up the book before it is published.


作最后润色 slick up

润色 touch up

给...润色 give coliur to

