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说笑的英文翻译 说笑英文怎幺说 说笑的英文例句




    to chat and laugh
    to crack jokes
    to banter

chat [tʃæt]

    v.聊天 n.聊天

laugh [la:f]

    vi.笑,讥笑 n.笑,笑声

crack [kræk]

    n.裂缝,劈啪声 v.(使)破裂,裂纹,(使)爆裂 adj.最好的,高明的


我不过说笑罢了。I intended it as a joke.他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。They walked along the beach talking and laughing.他没心情说笑话。He's in no mood for (telling) jokes/to tell jokes.他对任何人都很拘谨,从不跟人说笑。He is very formal with everyone; he never joins in a laugh.晚上,我们经常围着火炉坐着说笑话。In the evening we often sat around the stove, cracking jokes.“拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑着说。"Making jokes about economic laws is easy but irrelevant." Bozey smiled.都宾仍旧像话匣子一样说笑个不停。Dobbin still kept up his character of rattle.滑头不是说笑的,他是跑腿Slick is no joke. He's double time.你在说笑话还是当真的?Are you in jest or in earnest?我们在等候时围成一圈说笑。We stood around bantering while we waited.占士邦:弹射座椅?你在说笑!James bond: ejector seat? You're joking!他们畅所欲言,说笑逗闹。They speak up freely they laugh and joke.


与...说笑话 banter with

以轻鬆的说笑话的语调 in a light vein

说笑话 jest

