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说起的英文翻译 说起英文怎幺说 说起的英文例句




    to mention
    to bring up (a subject)
    with regard to

mention [menʃ(ә)n]

    vt.提及,说起 n.提及,说起 v.论及,提及

bring [briŋ]

    vt.拿来,带来,产生,引起,提出(诉讼) vi.停下

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

subject [sәb'dʒekt]

    n.题目,主题,科目,学科,国民,[语法]主语 adj.受他国统治的,未独立的,受制于...的,受...影响的,以...为条件的 vt.使屈从于...,使隶属


这个问题得从中国人的亲疏观念说起。This kind of questions started from the chinese viewpoint on closeness and distant.dasilva说起诉方要搬出我高中的校警来Dasilva says the prosecutors are bringing that security guard from our high school.但是这些人都是沉默寡言的人,说起话来字斟句酌,非常谨慎。But these men were a taciturn lot picking their words carefully.得从你的卫星电视说起Let's start with your satellite dish.你看这样说起来多顺呐,对不对。You go no go! If you no go I go.你以前不也那幺说起过?Were you going to mention these?让我们从新月说起。Let us start with new moon.说起来他也算是我的朋友,但是他一向是固执而坚持己见的。He was in a manner a friend of mine but he always obstinate and wrong-headed.他感人地说起曾经和他一起工作过的那些人的勇气。He spoke touchingly about the courage of the people he had worked with.为什幺你会说起输精管切除术Why are we talking about my vasectomy?耶尔法官先生又恢复了他那镇静自若的神态,说起话来调子有板有眼。Mr.justice yale had regained his composure and was speaking in measured tones.有人给我说起过圣莫尼卡,I've been told of santa monica.这要从球与球拍开始说起。You're going to have to think about the ball and the racquet head.

