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入口的英文翻译 入口英文怎幺说 入口的英文例句





entrance [entrәns]



我们正靠近滑流入口。We're approaching the slipstream portal.我要打开一个入口…I will open a portal...我在后台入口等他出来I waited for him to come out the stage door...一会之后,迪恩点燃蜡烛,检查入口的掉下来的石块。Later.dean lights candles and examines the rockfall.乙:在入口处旋转栅门的地方,您把它丢进投币口里,便可以推动栅门进去。B: you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.指的就是大水车的这个入口。Actually refers to the big water wheel entrance.柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns often leading to the entrance of a building.


一次入口点 primary entry point

主要入口 main entrance

乳突窦入口 entrance to mastoid antrum

伤道入口 entrance of wound tract

信息入口 information entry

入口 way in

入口便融化 melt in one''s mouth; melt in one''s the mouth

入口匝道控制 entrance ramp control

入口压力 inlet pressure

入口口径 inlet caliber

入口地址 entry address

入口坡道 access ramp

入口处 ingress

入口处的道路 access road; road of access; access

入口大厅 n. entrance hall

入口平面 pelvic inlet plane

入口底管 n. inlet bucket

入口格栅 n. hatch grating

入口检验比 entrance test ratio

入口津贴 bounty on importation

入口温度 temperature in

入口港栈货价 ex importation dock price

入口港货栈价 ex importation dock price

入口点 entry point

入口点存取方法 entry point access method

入口税 port charges

入口站 gateway station

入口角 n. inlet angle

入口贸易 import trade

入口连接装置 inlet connection

