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顺应的英文翻译 顺应英文怎幺说 顺应的英文例句




    to comply
    to conform to
    in tune with

comply [kәm'plai]


conform [kәn'fɔ:m]

    vt.使一致,使遵守,使顺从 vi.符合,相似,适应环境 adj.一致的,顺从的


伊斯兰教是一个不断适应时代要求、顺应社会发展的宗教。Islam is a religion that acclimate the times request and the social development continuously.摘要心理学脱胎于哲学,又顺应于哲学的发展。Psychology born out of philosophy conforms to the philosophical development.还可以举所谓“顺应潮流”这个行话做例子,这是我们的社会批评家大骂我们的。Or take the shibboleth of "conformity" with which the critics of our society plague us.他妻子死后,他顺应天命安于孤独的残年。After his wife died he resigned himself to a lone ly old age.为了拖延时间,我也就顺应看当时的气氛。To procrastinate I fell in with the spirit of the occasion.有些生意人因为见识狭窄,不能顺应局势的变化。Some businessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision.


动态肺顺应性 dynamic lung compliance

动脉顺应性 arterial compliance

摩擦顺应性 frictional conformability轴承材料靠表层的弹塑性变形来补偿滑动表面初始配合不良的性能。

比顺应性 specific compliance, C/VL

知识顺应 knowledge accomodation

肺顺应性 lung compliance, pulmonary compliance

胸壁顺应性 chest wall compliance

静态肺顺应性 static lung compliance

顺应 acclimation指实验条件下驯化。

顺应式 compliant type

顺应式生产系统 compliant production system

顺应式结构 compliant structure

顺应性 compliance

顺应潮流 drift with the crowd; go with the crowd; go with the current; gone with the crowd; live in the present; swim with the crowd; swim with the tide; went with the crowd

频率依赖顺应性 frequency dependent compliance, Cfd

