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朊的英文翻译 朊英文怎幺说 朊的英文例句




protein [prәuti:n]

    n.[生化]蛋白质 adj.蛋白质的


磷蛋白,磷朊一组蛋白质中的任一个,如酪蛋白,化学上含有稳定的磷酸Any of a group of proteins such as casein containing chemically bound phosphoric acid.以穀朊粉为原料,提取了麦谷蛋白和麦醇溶蛋白。The extractions of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten were investigated.引发疯牛病的普朊病毒是一些几乎无法消灭的微小的变异病毒。The prions that cause the mad cow disease are little mutants that are virtually indestructible.在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋白质,与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊。The commonest protein in muscle; a globulin that combines with actin to form actomyosin.主要成份:薰衣草、维他命b5、水解小麦蛋白、角朊蛋白。Main ingredients: lavender vitamin b5 hydrolyze wheat albumen and ceratine protein.如果说普朊病难以彻底消除的话,那也是可以控制的。Prion diseases can be controlled if not eradicated.丝胶酶是一种标準的细菌解朊酶,也可以应用。Serizyme a standardized bacterial proteolytic enzyme may be used.致病性的朊病毒蛋白质在脑中沉积并损伤脑组织。Prion diseases are always fatal often however not until months after the outbreak of the disease.主要成份:乳木果、角朊蛋白、氨基酸、聚季铵盐、阳离子泛醇。Ingredient: shea butter polyclonal keratin and amino acid etc.


朊 protein

海绵硬朊 spongin

白朊 albumin

白朊胶 albunin glue

花生朊纤维 arachin fibre

穀朊 gluten

酪朊酸盐 caseinate

酪朊酸钠 sodium caseinate

