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乳剂的英文翻译 乳剂英文怎幺说 乳剂的英文例句



[rǔ jì]


emulsion [i'mʌlʃ(ә)n]



一种氯化物,主要用于製造摄影用感光乳剂。A chloride used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic emulsions.这种感光乳剂有一缺点。There was a fault in the photographic emulsion.彩色正片的感光乳剂基本上和彩色负片相同。Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do.每日一次把这乳剂用力擦入。Rub in this cream once a day.乳剂液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳A suspension of particles in a liquid such as milk of magnesia.


三色感光乳剂 tricolour emulsion

上层乳剂 upper emulsion

下层乳剂 lower emulsion

中层乳剂 middle emulsion

乳剂 emulsion

乳剂厚度 emulsion thickness

乳剂层 emulsion layer; equivalent layer

乳剂收缩效应 effect of emulsion shrinkage

乳剂校準特性曲线 emulsion calibration curve

乳剂油墨 emulsion ink

乳剂漂移 emulsion creep

乳剂片基 emulsion base

乳剂玻璃介面 emulsion glass interface

乳剂的 emulsive

乳剂载体 emulsion carrier

人工光源用乳剂 photoflood emulsion

低感光度乳剂 slow emulsion

储藏乳剂 stock emulsion

催乳剂 galactogogue

全息摄影乳剂 hologram emulsion; holographic emulsion

全色乳剂 panchromatic emulsion

化学蒙翳乳剂 chemically-fogged emulsion

卤化银照相乳剂 silver halide photographic emulsion

喜疗妥乳剂 hirudoid cream/gel

複合型乳剂 multiple emulsion

微粒乳剂 fine-grain emulsion

感光乳剂 photo emulsion; photosensitive emulsion

感光乳剂层 photosensitive layer

摄影乳剂 photographic emulsion

摄影乳剂层 photoem ulsion layer; photographic layer

