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睡眠的英文翻译 睡眠英文怎幺说 睡眠的英文例句





sleeping [sli:piŋ]

    n.睡眠 adj.睡着的

slumber [slʌmbә(r)]

    n.睡眠 v.睡眠


因缺乏睡眠,我们的脸色变得苍白。We grew white-faced with lack of sleep.因为睡眠中的肌肉是鬆弛的,所以起床时身体会非凡柔软。Because the muscle in morpheus is flabby the body when getting up so will be particularly soft.引起睡眠的一种剂;安眠药An agent that causes sleep; a soporific.用睡眠来消除头痛、宿醉等Sleep off a bad headache a hangover etc与睡眠、机能降低和记忆等有关的神经传递素。A neurotransmitter involved in e.g.sleep and depression and memory.摘要目的探讨抚触对早产儿睡眠及黄疸的影响。Objective to discuss the effect of touch on preterm infant's somnus and choloplania.这基本上就是个睡眠会It's basically a slumber party.这些射线会刺激神经中枢,影响睡眠,导致高血压症。These irradiations may stimulate the nerve center affects sleep and cause hypertension sickness.昼夜节律;天空的昼夜轮转;蝙蝠每日的睡眠。Diurnal rhythms; diurnal rotation of the heavens; the diurnal slumber of bats.


中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停 centric sleep apnea

以睡眠治癒 sleep off

以睡眠消除 sleep off; slept away; slept off

异相睡眠 paradoxical sleep

快速眼动睡眠 rapid eye movement sleep, REMS

慢波睡眠 slow wave sleep

正相睡眠 orthodox sleep

混合性睡眠呼吸暂停 mixed sleep apnea

电睡眠疗法 electrosleep therapy

睡眠 take her rest

睡眠中枢 sleep center

睡眠分析混合电脑 sleep analyzing hybrid computer

睡眠剥夺 sleep deprivation

睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 sleep apnea syndrome

睡眠清醒週期 sleep-waking cycle

睡眠用房 sleeping risk

睡眠过度 hypersomnia

阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症 paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, PNH

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 obstructive sleep apnea

