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水井的英文翻译 水井英文怎幺说 水井的英文例句




    (water) well

water [wɔ:tә(r)]

    n.水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体 vt.喷淋,供以水,注入水,使湿 vi.流泪,加水 adj.水的,水上的,水生的,含水的

well [wel]

    n.井 vi.涌出 adj.健康的,良好的,适当的 adv.好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 int.唔,咳


水井可以认为是一个膨胀计。The well can be thought of as a dilatometer.对于注水开发油田,通常使用放射性同位素测井测量注水井的吸水剖面。Injectivity profile is commonly determined with radioisotope tracer test in water-flood oilfield.


吸水井 draw-well, suction well位于主排水泵硐室一侧、与水仓相通,供水泵吸水的小井。

喷水井 artesian well

地轴开污水井 n. tunnel well

打水井机凿岩钻头 rock bit for water well drilling rig

抽水井 pumping well

排水井 catch pit

排水井点 dewatering hole

普通水井 open well

水井 water well

水井钻机 water drilling rig water well drilling rig water-well rig

污水井 bilge well

注水井 water injection well, injector

注水井井口装置 injection well head assembly

注水井井距 injection well spacing

注水井动态 water injection well performance

注水井增注 water injection well stimulation简称"增注"。

注水井指示曲线 water injection IPR curve又称"注水井IPR曲线"。

注水井测试 water injection well testing又称"注入井试井"。

注水井网 injection well pattern

消防水井 fire well

渗水井 absorbing well

热水井 hot well

硬水井 hard water well

自流排水井点 artesian well

舭水井 n. bilge hat

舱底水井 hat box

舱底污水井 bilge well

苦水井 hard water well

车装水井钻机 truck mounted water well drilling rig

配水井 distribution well

