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肉片的英文翻译 肉片英文怎幺说 肉片的英文例句



[ròu piàn]

    meat slice

meat [mi:t]


slice [slais]

    n.薄片,切片,一份,部分,片段 v.切(片)


京?丝和洋?丝放在西冷牛肉片上,卷好,用粟粉收口。Put shredded peking scallion and shredded onion onto beef slices.roll.fix the seam with cornflour.嫩煎的小牛肉肉片,裹有麵包麵团和乾酪,和番茄沙司一起食用。Sauteed veal cutlet in a breadcrumb-and-cheese coating served with tomato sauce.牛排适于焙烤或油炸的大块牛肉片,如取自后腿或里脊A slice of beef such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters suitable for broiling or frying.请上一道花菜炒肉片。Fried cauliflower with sliced pork please.顺便说一下,你们最好把冻猪肉片前后直装,不要横装。By the way you have to stow the pieces of frozen pork fore and aft not crosswise.威灵顿牛肉馅饼:夹在馅饼或点心里的涂以鹅肝酱的牛肉片。"Beef wellington: a fillet of beef covered with pate de foie gras encased in pastry and baked."在番茄和洋葱混合物里蒸的肉片。Steak braised in tomato and onion mixture.然后将海苔面由底下反转过来,接着放上生菜,再放上鸡肉片。Turn the sea weed to face the lettuce on the sea weed then add the chicken.星期一舒尔茨妈妈煮维也纳炸肉片Ach ja! Mondays is mama schultz cooking der wiener schnitzel.一种希腊三明治;夹有烤羔羊肉片、洋葱、番茄的皮塔麵包。A greek sandwich: sliced roast lamb with onion and tomato stuffed into pita bread.


冻鲨鱼肉片 frozen shark fillet

鹹猪肉片 salted pork slice

肉片刀 knife for meat slice meat slice knife

肉片切片机 meat-sheet slicer

蘑菇炒肉片 saut''eed mushrooms with pork

鲨鱼肉片干 dried shark fillet

