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揉的英文翻译 揉英文怎幺说 揉的英文例句



    to knead
    to massage
    to rub

knead [ni:d]


massage [mæsa:ʒ; (-) mә'sa:ʒ]

    n.按摩 v.按摩


煞费苦心的念头、矫揉造作的文风、挖空心思的比喻。A recherche idea writing style image他磨碾你,直至你色泽洁白;他揉搓你,直至你柔韧顺服;He grinds you to whiteness.he kneads you until you are pliant;他以矫揉造作的步态走路。He's got a rather mincing walk.她将信揉成一团。She balled the letter into a wad.她迈着矫揉造作的小步子。She took short mincing steps.她疲倦地揉了揉眼睛。She rubbed her eyes wearily.她走到书桌前,从档架上取出一张揉皱的旧剪报来。She went over to the desk and took an old crumpled press cutting out of a pigeon-hole.无生气的毫无生气的或矫揉造作的;懦弱的Lacking vigor or decisiveness; spineless.要抱住,重点揉小腿后侧肌群。Holding in arms tightly taking the muscle of back shank as focal point.在使其成形之前揉麵团Work the dough before shaping it.


伞形揉圆机 umbrella-type rounder

把...揉成一团 screw up

把...揉皱 crumple up

揉切 rolling and cutting

揉压机 kneading compactor

揉合槽 kneading trough

揉土机 blunger

揉布机 breaking machine

揉捏按摩法 kneading massage

揉捏法 kneading

揉撚 rolling

揉搓式按摩机 kneading massager

揉搓混合机 kneading mixer

揉皱 crumpled up

揉茶机 rolling machine

揉软大麻 broken hemp

揉面机 dough kneading machine

揉面缸 kneading-trough

搓揉式混砂机 kneader-type sand mixer

电液搓揉压实机 electro-hyduaulic kneading compactor

真空揉混机 vacuum kneading machine

矫揉造作 chew the scenery; chew up the scenery

耐揉性 crumpling resistance

耐揉皱亚麻布 noncrushable linen

